The Lee Family

Hello, we are the Lee family. 
Our lives are centered on one important factor – God. He is the most important thing in our marriage and family. Without God we would not be where we are today. We've wanted to be parents almost as long as we have been married. We are unable to conceive a child ourselves, which led us to purse adoption as a way to add our family tree. We have so much to share with a child, but more importantly, we can't wait for the incredible joy a child will provide us. Our family is just as excited as we are! Our families are very close knit, which we are very thankful for. We thank God every day for the love that our family brings to us.

On December 2, 2016 we were blessed with that final leaf!!!! Adalie Grace Lee is the light of our life and we are truly blessed to have her. She is smart, compassionate, strong, cleaver, and much more. I only pray that she will continue to be herself and not try to be anyone else. Lead by example is one thing we live by and she is doing a great job! She has grown up so fast, but not a day goes by that is not documented! She was so worth the wait and we are joyful of all that she will accomplish.

Amanda Describes Clint
Clint is confident, clever, smart, outgoing and very charming! He is someone that I can always trust and I know that he has God within him at all times.
Clint is also a very hard and dedicated employee. He is gone for a period of time working in the oil field, but he takes providing for his family very seriously even though he knows I’m there to help and contribute. 
Clint is an immaculate person and I’m so lucky that God has blessed me with him.
 Clint Describes Amanda
She is the sweetest, kindest, gentlest, and most patient person I know. She has an amazing way of reassuring and supporting friends, family, and colleagues. It’s no wonder everyone turns to her for support, advice, and a good laugh. I love Amanda for her huge capacity to listen and give great advice, if needed. 
Amanda owns two companies right here in Rockwall, Texas! Lee Lee Cleaning Services, LLC and Lee Custom Designs, LLC; these businesses were started from scratch and all the proceeds go to Adalie Grace’s savings!


  1. Awe yall are too cute and I'm thankful for the things God has done in your lives and is still doing!!

  2. Thank you so very much!! God bless you!!!


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