
Massage - Belfiore Spa

I absolutely love this spa. They greet you upon entry, you fill out the appropriate questionnaire, then they guide you to the changing room. You are given a robe (that literally feels amazing) and slippers to put on. Then to the relaxation room where they play relaxing music and you can drink a mimosa. I usually slowly sip on one prior to the massage and it helps loosen me up. The massage is speechless as they work out all your kinks and you just want to fall asleep. My favorite so far is Misty as she speaks just enough to not bother you, but inform you of what is next. She is very informational and she is on point when it comes to pressure. After the massage is over they ask you what you prefer to drink and they greet you with it upon opening the door. You are guided back to the relaxation room and there is no time limit upon staying; yet, knowing me I am on the go 24/7. haha
I used to go maybe 6 times a year based on gift cards, but I am completely addicted to the care and compassion. I would like to commit to at least once a month as a treat to myself as well as purchasing a massage, facial, or Gift Card for one of my avid followers! 


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